Well, there is a much bigger limit on the size of the AI's pics. Because of that, gaps between stages are much wider. As you may know, the player will have 10 stages in total, the current max is pretty much half way there. Also, the renders are a bit smaller than my overall idea for the sizes in the game. Its called Growing Explorations for a reason after all ;)
Can't complete "Reformation of Alchemist". Trying to talk to Elaria and tell her what happened, but nothing happens. There are just the same options every time
Weird. This hasn't happened when I was testing out the game for release. For now I would recommend restarting, but I will try to fix this whenever possible! Would you mind telling me more details?
In the initial run, did you talk to Luna after defeating Fjora? If you didn't the following quest would not have been given.
I don't really know where it is on mac, but there should be a console log for the game in the AppData directory. If you could send that I may be able to figure out what happened
Anyways glad you could pass this quest in the new run! Hope you enjoyed the update!
Wow, this looks much better than before. Dunno why you still mix Daz models with AI, especially since Daz is expensive and AI is free, but ye, I like what I see. Looking forward to seeing more improvements.
Glad you enjoyed it! I am currently having AI images for everything made, but I will keep the renders as an option as they are made by my comrade Vlision. I am hoping to have alternatives on both AI and 3D render sides by next update, so people can switch to whichever they enjoy best.
Alright. Nobody's mentioned it seems, but you cannot recover health in V1.0.
The Orc ability falsely tells your health bar that it's regenerating, and then you're hit, and fall right back down to the value of the health you were previously at.
Secondly, health potions don't heal outright, and the player can't tell if it's an item that needs to be used, or if it's applied. If it is automatically applied, it doesn't recover health.
Thirdly, 5 kills for one health potion which restores 30. That is 5 potential, yet guaranteed hits for 30 health. At least there's no contact damage when it comes to enemies.
Lastly, waiting around for 20 seconds does not recover health. I've timed it past a minute without change, decided to go into combat, and the health is still unchanged, but with less health from the guaranteed hit of a monster.
Furthermore, I actually recovered health when Immortal Brutality wore off. A meager 10 health, but that seems to be the only way to heal outside of combat.
... It seems that Orcs cannot turn in the Materia quest.
Thank you for turning in these issues! I checked and it really is like that for the orc in version 1.0, which is quite weird as for example, passive healing works for the human...
I could not replicate the materia quest issue you mentioned, though, but will look into it regardless.
These issues will be fixed in the next version, which will (hopefully) be done soon.
If you experience any further bugs, I will be very pleased if you tell me about them.
Again, thanks for reporting these!
Just found the issue which prevented you from healing! If you hadn't mentioned it it may have gone unnoticed as it was a 0, where 1 should have been written. Thank you!
I HAVE A QUESTION, DOES THE GAME WORK NORMALLY? 1 I killed at least 30 slimes and I don't know where or what to collect when nothing drops from them and it's impossible to complete the missions, and it's impossible to heal
It should work normally. On the right under the map, the mission will be displayed. Keep in mind, you have to talk to the NPC, which is close to you when you spawn, in order to get the next missions. Killing enemies will give you materia, which is the blue item on the left, under the player picture. You can use that in shops. Healing is automatic - you will recover slightly every 20 sec. You can open the controls menu when ingame, by pressing ESCAPE then clicking the button. It will show you the main controls of the game, such as the different menus. Hope this helps, if you have any further problems, I will hapily assist. Also, I am working on a documentation page for the game, so soon there will be a tutorial if you get lost with stuff like this.
Probably not. Making an android version would mean making a whole seperate game in some sense, because of the engine I use. Maintaining something like that would be very hard, so unless I find a way to develop them in the same time, there won't be a port for android.
Funnily enough, I am working with an AI artist to make alternative art for the game. I am hoping to have all portrait alternatives done soon and continue on to making more growth stuff!
I don't understand Russian, so I translated your comment with google translate, so I hope I am giving you a good response. In this version, you have to attack by holding the mouse button. This has been changed and in the next release you will be able to yet again click to attack.
It was a surprise to see you updating the game again and I played it for a bit and these are things I found:
- You can't exit menus with ESC or simply go back with a button.
- I wish there would be an autosave feature. Just dying and then "game over, start over" is weird, especially for a RPG. An option to respawn would be much better to just skip the cutscene again.
- Leveling Defense or Resist is useless, because the minimum damage is hard capped at one. It's super weird to see an aspiring muscle goddess getting bodied by slimes, because she only has like 12 hp.
- You stop leveling when you are ready for a growth. It's very unintuitive, because no game does this. I know it's to track the correct event with the statue, but it would be better if its queued up when you talk to the statue.
- I only played the elf, but the main concept of her build is mostly useless. Her special ability, the main thing you want to improve, just holds for ten seconds and then you have to wait. Every time. There is no way to increase the duration or her mana.
- Also, as the elf, leveling physical attack is useless by how much the frail body type reduces the attack. If the scale of the gameplay would be much higher, it would be somewhat of a good choice, but if you have to skill it 4 or 5 times just to do one more damage, it's useless.
- I couldn't get past the slimes, because of how many enemies spawn and it's nearly impossible to dodge the attack by how they predict the movement and how huge the hitbox is
Thank you for the feedback! Let me clarify some of the points you mentioned.
You can exit menus by clicking the same button you opened them with like I for info or O for quests
Autosaving is something I have thought about adding in the past, but didn't come around to do so. I will think of a way to make something of that kind
Defence and resist have always been hard to balance, but as I am thinking of amping up the scalings of the game sometime soon, they will be reworked to follow suit
Capping XP when a growth stage is available is a temporary thing. There will be a huge change to the world map coming in the next big update, which will also add more statues, so you will be able to grow easier
There are some huge changes to abilities I am currently doing, as I know they are pretty bad currently. The elf will receive quite a bit of changes, so things will be quite different
Scaling will be getting reworked, thus this would not be a problem
There are some changes to enemy AI I am currently experimenting with which will make them easier to deal with. Also when the world is reworked, monsters will spawn only in certain locations, so you can fight them whenever you want
I recommend to multiply everything by 10. For example, instead of doing one damage, I would do 10, but with frail body, I would only do 7. And if I would to upgrade physical attack, I would then do 8 damage.
Sadly no. Porting the game over to android would take too long at the present stage and it would also mean developing two instances seperately, which would be impossible for a sole developer, like me.
The Windows version should run on Linux systems. I have a friend who can run the game on Unbutu. If you cannot run it, I will make a special Linux export with the next update which should be pretty soon.
The programing for the update is done, there are only renders left. The reason for the delays has been my and Vlision's university schedule. You can expect a release by mid May.
My big, main complaint is there's no save function; when I died, the game closed and I had to restart from the beginning. This is very frustrating.
I noticed that you are gonna implement some new races and here's my suggestion: a tiefling-esqe race. Really, I just want muscular demon girls. Glowing eyes, glowing hair, multiple sets of horns, red and/or purple skin pigmentation, the works! I could've added more descriptors, tell me if you want more of them. You want descriptors? I've got descriptors.
Something else I think that could good is seeing our companions grow too, and at their own rate. Perhaps at each stage of growth, their distinct feature would become more prominent and numerous, too?
Have you ever watched and/or played Spore? If you haven't, there were these tings called epics, massive beasts to be avoided lest you catch an early appointment with death. They were meant to represent that, however strong you became, there were simply some things that you always ought to avoid. Perhaps you could implement a similar system to showcase that our character is not the first to pursue physical improvement. That there are some who've progressed far enough along this same path that they've become behemoths and, perhaps, a glimpse of the player may become.
Something that absolutely need to happen though is a greater enemy variety; the world's dangers cannot just be slimes, wolves, and bats! It'd be very limiting if it were.
This is probably just me, but I'll put it here anyway: everything is too square. Bodies of water should be more ovular.
I may post again if more ideas come to me. Have these ones been absorbed?
There is a save system! You have to press ESCAPE while in game, then hit save and choose a save slot. You will need to reopen the game to load a save though. With the new version, there will be more info about menus.
I have thought about a demon race and it will for sure come sooner or later. The next one will be Orc. After that, the focus will be on implementing all growth stages which will be 10 in total. With that done, a new race will come every 1/2 updates. Races are really easy to implement it is just the renders need to be done, which is what limits releasing them frequently. If you want, I would be glad to see a description for a demon race! If you have any other suggestions, you can either comment here or contact me on discord (faustto), which I check more often.
By companions do you mean the NPCs? They grow even at the current version! It may be because of the bad explainantion of how to play the game, but there is a little story with interactions and fights too, which do involve them growing.
I have watched a few videos of Spore and having very strong enemies is indeed a great idea. There is something simmilar coming in future updates, which is more like a boss, which you will need to outgrow in order to defeat. I will think about making something like that.
More enemies are coming! The main problem, because of which there are only 3 right now, 5 if you count the bosses, is because sprites for enemies are hard to make and the artist I comission works quite slowly. I am now having them reowork the sprites for the old enemies, after which I will implement 1-2 per update, some of which will be much stronger as the current ones are 'Tier 1' opponents.
As the game is focused on pixel art, the current lakes do a great job. Making them circular will be very hard, as it will involve making a pixel art shader, which is very hard and I don't think it would make the game better in any way.
If you have any other ideas, feel free to share them either here, the game's discord server or personally to me!
Okay, so! My vision for a demon race is for the model to not only gain muscle mass, but also to gain features(horns, etc.) and to enhance upon existing features, too. For example, the character starts with a short set of horns, and as she grows, so too does her horns.
Here's a list of features that I can think of:
*A scaled prehensile tail.
*A elongated tongue.
*Demon horns. At later stages of growth, perhaps they, too, could emanate fire.
*Glowing eyes, perhaps with a serpentine slit pupil.Perhaps the glow emissions would intensify as growth progresses? Maybe with black sclera, too.
*Glowing hair. I personally think that all the glowing bits ought to be the same color, but you do you.
*Demon teeth. You ought to distinguish this race's teeth from a an animal's if you decide to implement a beast race, and certainly from the orc race.
*Sharp nails or sharp fingers. Perhaps they could retract or reshape themselves during civil discourse?
*Toe talons or toe claws.
*Black nails and toenails.
*Wings, but I'm not sure how you'd make that work. If you do, I suggest scale wings or black feathered wings.
*Assertive posture. She should look like she owns the place, confident or overconfident, with perhaps some vanity added too.
*Extra arms, if you want to get nuts.
*Red, purple, or black skin pigmentation. Maybe her skin changes color as she grows?
Something of note is that red fire is not the hottest there is: that belongs to white fire. If you include light into the demon race design, perhaps you could have the light change color to signify a growth of power.
I once watched this video about how red, blue, and purple have come to be associated this different concepts. It's called "The color of corruption - how purple is used in video games" by Razbuten. My focus is fading, I'll return to this later.
Thank you for the in-depth concept! When a demon race eventually comes, I will make sure to take inspiration from the ideas you gave! Some of them, are a bit overboard like the extra arms, but stuff like the demonic features growing along the character, are definitely up for consideration. Also, the video you linked was very informative!
I have thought about making an android version, but it will be like rewriting the code of the whole game, so it probably won't happen any time soon. As for browser version, I don't think it will be possible, because of how heavy the game is.
This game is great! I actually came up with my own race idea: Goblin! This is supposed to fill the role of a speedster class, but to compensate overall stats are low.
Positive Trait: Nimble (Max move speed increased by 20, Goblins are pretty fast!)
Negative Trait: Dim-Witted (Magical Power Gain reduced by 30%. While Goblins aren't dumb, they are dumb when it comes to magic and the arcane.)
Special: Survivalist (Heal HP Passively 50% quicker. To be a Goblin is to be resourceful.)
Special Ability: Thousand Cuts (While in this state, each attack you land on a given enemy boosts the damage of the next. If the first attack does one damage, the second does two, the third does three, and so on.)
Thank you for the kind words! This race concept is amazing! As you may know, there is a new race coming in the upcoming update - the Orc. It pretty much has the exact same negative and special traits, so if a goblin comes out, its will differ. Nonetheless, I really like the idea of a very quick race and have been thinking about making one, after the Orc is out. Don't know what it will be but, I may get some 'inspiration' off of your concept!
It is supposed to be like this as the game is four directional. I can easily make it aimable, but I don't know how fitting this would be. I think the combat is fine for the time being, but in the future there for sure will be some changes coming to it so this problem shouldn't be apparent by then.
There will! Currently there are only 5, but in total, there will be 10. So we are halfway there I would say! Though new stages won't come in the next update too, because we are planning on adding a new race instead.
Not bad though I've noticed some issues. For one if playing as elf or dwarf when talking to the first npc after her growth sequence the model in menu changes to human. It's fine beyond that. Another thing is that using the elf's magic attacks doesn't allow you to gain any exp. Enemies you kill during that buff give zero exp. Forcing you to use the crap sword swing. The dwarf fortify also doesn't work. As during it you cannot move or attack so it's currently a useless move. Also buying a buff potion from the shop locks your movement. Making it so your unable to move at all forcing you to restart the game.
The newest update is currently only for Patrons. It will become public pretty soon, but if you want to check it out right now here: patreon.com/faustto
No it is not. I have been very busy with work the past two months, which has slown the development a lot. An update is coming before christmas for sure.
I like this so far, unfortunately it seems like the boost from growth points doesn't get saved! Tried boosting Peaceful and Frail (playing as an Elf) and they went to level 2, but after reloading they were back to level 1 (with the growth point still spent).
I like the new update, especially how it completely overhauls the UI and the little content update on top. Still, I have found some issues:
- This game has a render problem. The sprites flicker and vibrate a lot to adjust with the moving camera
- Enemies still spawn on water and shore tiles. This is even more frequent due to the more distant spawn rates.
- There is no indicator in the UI for a level up. It's easy to miss that you actually leveled up when you kill a lot of enemies on the screen.
- The level up screen and stats are only accessible through key bindings. This is very unintuitive when you already have a hand on the mouse to attack stuff. Let me click on the profile or give me an extra icon to let me level up my character or to open my stats. Same thing goes for the quest log.
- The special cards for the characters skills appear way too low. In 20 levels, I only got them once in the same except order and group as shown in the image. This isn't really random.
Content wise I would wish for a little starting area or starting ruin to mark the starting area better and to connect the world more. I would also really like it, if you would add some trees into the world generation. Taiga or Forest without trees is just different painted grass.
Thank you for the feedback! Most of these issues are known, so I will explain why they were left to come with the update.
The rendering problem happens only if your monitor has a refresh rate above 60 Hz. This is because of the game's engine and I am not sure how to exactly fix it. You could enable VSync in the settings, it should help to an extend.
The enemy spawning is known to have this problem. I have tried fixing it a couple of times, which made it more rare, but it still happens occasionally.
You have an XP bar under you HP. Also a sound is played whenever you level up as well as a little popup text appearing onto your character. There are some UI changes coming in 0.4, which will improve the ability to see these things, so it should be better then.
There will be clickable icons in the UI to access all menus with the overlay update I am doing, so entering the menus should be a bit easier.
You gain the special cards only when you experience a growth scene. You can then use e growth point to choose a skill to enhance. Also they are the same skills every time unlike the random ones you get upon level up. Keep in mind that they have a max level each, meaning you can upgrade them only 3 times.
I know what you mean by having a better environment, but as I haven't found a pixel artist who is willing to make sprites for the game, making such things is quite hard for me and as I am not a very good at arts, I do not want to ruin the look of the game with my doodles, so this will be held off for a bit until I have someone who has the skill to do it.
"You gain the special cards only when you experience a growth scene." I only got them once at my theoretical level 2 when I reached level 5. I guess there is a bug when there are multiple level ups stacked on top of each other, you don't get the special cards. I got to all 4 growth scenes and never got them again, because I used the cards at levels that were not dedicated to the growth sequence.
It doesn't matter when you use them. They are stored as points, which are displayed under your stats. It is written like "GP x (amount of points)". As long as this text is displayed, you can press K to level up a trait. The points work fine when I try it out in the exported version so I don't know what the issue may be like.
It will be very hard to make, as the game will need to get almost completely revamped for it to work. It may come in later releases, but is not on the horizon on the coming releases.
Thank you for commenting! Your ideas are great, although they will be hard to implement.
Companions will probably come to the game at a later version. Currently, the main focus will be on making the first story chapter. When it is done most of the more essential features of the game will be present.
As for potions, they will get an overhaul pretty soon. They will not be as 'advanced' as the previous game's, but will definitely work in a different manner as they are currently quite overpowered.
Finally, mobile will be very hard to do, as it would be like making a whole new game. As I said, the current focus is to finish the first story chapter, after which I may try to make a mobile adaptation, if it is demanded by the community.
Also, as for content, stay tuned for the next update, which may or may not be coming in a few days. :)
It's a great progress in such a short time, but still, the gameplay has some problems.
- there are no predefined enemies. The world is empty and can be reduced to "walk in a circle, because the enemies only spawn near you". There are hardly any enemies that spawn outside the view of the character.
- the enemies can spawn next to you and immediately hurt you.
- enemies can sometimes spawn on water.
- with more enemies, you have to do more fighting and since levels are cheap, you easily level up mid fight. The problem is: There is no indicator for the level up in the main UI (where is the experience bar while playing?), there is no sound for the level up and there is no confirmation of what perk to choose. It's extremely easy to level-up and badly skill your character without even noticing.
- the sounds and music balance is off the charts. The music is incredibly quiet while sounds are so loud it hurts your ears. Please use a volume normalization tool like MP3Gain or something like that.
I would like to explain some reasonings behind of the stuff you pointed out.
Making the enemies predefined will be quite laggy aa I have tried doing something of that sort . I know the current spawning is not very good as it indeed has the issues you pointed out. I will be fixing them for the next update.
I have been thinking of making a xp indicator, but as I thought it wouldn't be needed I didn't implement it. The level up interaction will be reworked in the next update, as it will focus mostly on that.
Currently the sounds have problems, but there hasn't been this inconsistency, which you mentioned - the music being silent while the effects deafening. I will look into it anyway.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this version and I very much appreciate your comment!
I don't know Godot, but you should apply some rules for off-screen enemies, like: "Don't render, don't move, don't have AI". Also you should increase the radius of spawning and add a minimum spawning range. I strongly recommend to look what other hack & slay games (PoE, Titan Quest, even Diablo 2) have in their main UI, how they explain stuff in the main UI and basically copy stuff until you can add your own flavor to it.
Big improvement over the last iteration, I've been enjoying it. I do have a bug to report though.
I bought 4 experience potions which seemed to have leveled me up twice, but because I did not choose my stat before getting the second level up, the game broke. As in it completely froze.
The enemy spawning currently is quite bad, but will be changed next update. Maya should always spawn 2 tiles to the left of the player. There is possibility she is in a hole, but it shouldn't happen too frequently. I will look into it regardless.
Making her mapped to a button will not be a great idea in my opinion. She will move to specific positions due to the story so do not worry about finding her.
Multiple test have been ran without getting any virus notification, but apparentely 1 or perhaps a few anti virus programs see it as a Trojan virus. A lot of people have downloaded it without any issue. If you want to be sure you are always welcome to join the discord and ask people to verify it's not a virus.I have ran it through my 2 paid anti virus programs and didn't receive anything.
Ok thank you so much, I've downloaded their older game and I didn't get anything but I saw this same msg on their deviantart page for this, so I was greatly concerned.
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From what i've seen is that the new AI pics get big very fast. You could slow it down. Some intermediates maybe
Well, there is a much bigger limit on the size of the AI's pics. Because of that, gaps between stages are much wider. As you may know, the player will have 10 stages in total, the current max is pretty much half way there. Also, the renders are a bit smaller than my overall idea for the sizes in the game. Its called Growing Explorations for a reason after all ;)
Can't complete "Reformation of Alchemist". Trying to talk to Elaria and tell her what happened, but nothing happens. There are just the same options every time
Weird. This hasn't happened when I was testing out the game for release. For now I would recommend restarting, but I will try to fix this whenever possible! Would you mind telling me more details?
Not sure if this can help :) I was playing as orc and reached level 23 after Fjora was defeated. Then I tried to complete this quest, but stuck.
Device: Mac M1
Will try a new save and check if it can be reproduced.
UPD: Completed the quest this time (reached level 11).
In the initial run, did you talk to Luna after defeating Fjora? If you didn't the following quest would not have been given.
I don't really know where it is on mac, but there should be a console log for the game in the AppData directory. If you could send that I may be able to figure out what happened
Anyways glad you could pass this quest in the new run! Hope you enjoyed the update!
its too good and keep it up!
Thank you! I will keep at it for sure!
Wow, this looks much better than before. Dunno why you still mix Daz models with AI, especially since Daz is expensive and AI is free, but ye, I like what I see. Looking forward to seeing more improvements.
Glad you enjoyed it! I am currently having AI images for everything made, but I will keep the renders as an option as they are made by my comrade Vlision. I am hoping to have alternatives on both AI and 3D render sides by next update, so people can switch to whichever they enjoy best.
Alright. Nobody's mentioned it seems, but you cannot recover health in V1.0.
Furthermore, I actually recovered health when Immortal Brutality wore off. A meager 10 health, but that seems to be the only way to heal outside of combat.
... It seems that Orcs cannot turn in the Materia quest.
Thank you for turning in these issues! I checked and it really is like that for the orc in version 1.0, which is quite weird as for example, passive healing works for the human...
I could not replicate the materia quest issue you mentioned, though, but will look into it regardless.
These issues will be fixed in the next version, which will (hopefully) be done soon.
If you experience any further bugs, I will be very pleased if you tell me about them.
Again, thanks for reporting these!
Just found the issue which prevented you from healing! If you hadn't mentioned it it may have gone unnoticed as it was a 0, where 1 should have been written. Thank you!
It should work normally. On the right under the map, the mission will be displayed. Keep in mind, you have to talk to the NPC, which is close to you when you spawn, in order to get the next missions. Killing enemies will give you materia, which is the blue item on the left, under the player picture. You can use that in shops. Healing is automatic - you will recover slightly every 20 sec. You can open the controls menu when ingame, by pressing ESCAPE then clicking the button. It will show you the main controls of the game, such as the different menus. Hope this helps, if you have any further problems, I will hapily assist. Also, I am working on a documentation page for the game, so soon there will be a tutorial if you get lost with stuff like this.
You will make a Android version for the game?
Probably not. Making an android version would mean making a whole seperate game in some sense, because of the engine I use. Maintaining something like that would be very hard, so unless I find a way to develop them in the same time, there won't be a port for android.
And you don't know any emulator or something to play it?
I don't think there are pc to android emulators. Also, it is hard coded to work with keyboard so it probably won't work even if there is one
Hope we will get some more growth.
If 3d is too much, you could try ai
Funnily enough, I am working with an AI artist to make alternative art for the game. I am hoping to have all portrait alternatives done soon and continue on to making more growth stuff!
Никого не могу ударить, ни вплотную ни на расстоянии. Все просто меня бьют, а я не могу. Я что-то не так делаю или это баг?
I don't understand Russian, so I translated your comment with google translate, so I hope I am giving you a good response. In this version, you have to attack by holding the mouse button. This has been changed and in the next release you will be able to yet again click to attack.
It was a surprise to see you updating the game again and I played it for a bit and these are things I found:
- You can't exit menus with ESC or simply go back with a button.
- I wish there would be an autosave feature. Just dying and then "game over, start over" is weird, especially for a RPG. An option to respawn would be much better to just skip the cutscene again.
- Leveling Defense or Resist is useless, because the minimum damage is hard capped at one. It's super weird to see an aspiring muscle goddess getting bodied by slimes, because she only has like 12 hp.
- You stop leveling when you are ready for a growth. It's very unintuitive, because no game does this. I know it's to track the correct event with the statue, but it would be better if its queued up when you talk to the statue.
- I only played the elf, but the main concept of her build is mostly useless. Her special ability, the main thing you want to improve, just holds for ten seconds and then you have to wait. Every time. There is no way to increase the duration or her mana.
- Also, as the elf, leveling physical attack is useless by how much the frail body type reduces the attack. If the scale of the gameplay would be much higher, it would be somewhat of a good choice, but if you have to skill it 4 or 5 times just to do one more damage, it's useless.
- I couldn't get past the slimes, because of how many enemies spawn and it's nearly impossible to dodge the attack by how they predict the movement and how huge the hitbox is
Thank you for the feedback! Let me clarify some of the points you mentioned.
I recommend to multiply everything by 10. For example, instead of doing one damage, I would do 10, but with frail body, I would only do 7. And if I would to upgrade physical attack, I would then do 8 damage.
Can it be played on Android?
Sadly no. Porting the game over to android would take too long at the present stage and it would also mean developing two instances seperately, which would be impossible for a sole developer, like me.
Thank you. I'll search for other ways to play it somehow.
Any plans to make it run on Linux?
The Windows version should run on Linux systems. I have a friend who can run the game on Unbutu. If you cannot run it, I will make a special Linux export with the next update which should be pretty soon.
Yo man, how's it goin?
The programing for the update is done, there are only renders left. The reason for the delays has been my and Vlision's university schedule. You can expect a release by mid May.
What can we expect in new version?
There are a ton of new things. I will mention some of the bigger changes as I don't want to go into too much detail:
That about rounds up the bigger stuff. There are, of course, more things that have been updated, but you will have to wait to see them.
How's progress on the update?
The update is pretty much done! There is just renders and pixel art left to make before release
My big, main complaint is there's no save function; when I died, the game closed and I had to restart from the beginning. This is very frustrating.
I noticed that you are gonna implement some new races and here's my suggestion: a tiefling-esqe race. Really, I just want muscular demon girls. Glowing eyes, glowing hair, multiple sets of horns, red and/or purple skin pigmentation, the works! I could've added more descriptors, tell me if you want more of them. You want descriptors? I've got descriptors.
Something else I think that could good is seeing our companions grow too, and at their own rate. Perhaps at each stage of growth, their distinct feature would become more prominent and numerous, too?
Have you ever watched and/or played Spore? If you haven't, there were these tings called epics, massive beasts to be avoided lest you catch an early appointment with death. They were meant to represent that, however strong you became, there were simply some things that you always ought to avoid. Perhaps you could implement a similar system to showcase that our character is not the first to pursue physical improvement. That there are some who've progressed far enough along this same path that they've become behemoths and, perhaps, a glimpse of the player may become.
Something that absolutely need to happen though is a greater enemy variety; the world's dangers cannot just be slimes, wolves, and bats! It'd be very limiting if it were.
This is probably just me, but I'll put it here anyway: everything is too square. Bodies of water should be more ovular.
I may post again if more ideas come to me. Have these ones been absorbed?
There is a save system! You have to press ESCAPE while in game, then hit save and choose a save slot. You will need to reopen the game to load a save though. With the new version, there will be more info about menus.
I have thought about a demon race and it will for sure come sooner or later. The next one will be Orc. After that, the focus will be on implementing all growth stages which will be 10 in total. With that done, a new race will come every 1/2 updates. Races are really easy to implement it is just the renders need to be done, which is what limits releasing them frequently. If you want, I would be glad to see a description for a demon race! If you have any other suggestions, you can either comment here or contact me on discord (faustto), which I check more often.
By companions do you mean the NPCs? They grow even at the current version! It may be because of the bad explainantion of how to play the game, but there is a little story with interactions and fights too, which do involve them growing.
I have watched a few videos of Spore and having very strong enemies is indeed a great idea. There is something simmilar coming in future updates, which is more like a boss, which you will need to outgrow in order to defeat. I will think about making something like that.
More enemies are coming! The main problem, because of which there are only 3 right now, 5 if you count the bosses, is because sprites for enemies are hard to make and the artist I comission works quite slowly. I am now having them reowork the sprites for the old enemies, after which I will implement 1-2 per update, some of which will be much stronger as the current ones are 'Tier 1' opponents.
As the game is focused on pixel art, the current lakes do a great job. Making them circular will be very hard, as it will involve making a pixel art shader, which is very hard and I don't think it would make the game better in any way.
If you have any other ideas, feel free to share them either here, the game's discord server or personally to me!
Okay, so! My vision for a demon race is for the model to not only gain muscle mass, but also to gain features(horns, etc.) and to enhance upon existing features, too. For example, the character starts with a short set of horns, and as she grows, so too does her horns.
Here's a list of features that I can think of:
*A scaled prehensile tail.
*A elongated tongue.
*Demon horns. At later stages of growth, perhaps they, too, could emanate fire.
*Glowing eyes, perhaps with a serpentine slit pupil.Perhaps the glow emissions would intensify as growth progresses? Maybe with black sclera, too.
*Glowing hair. I personally think that all the glowing bits ought to be the same color, but you do you.
*Demon teeth. You ought to distinguish this race's teeth from a an animal's if you decide to implement a beast race, and certainly from the orc race.
*Sharp nails or sharp fingers. Perhaps they could retract or reshape themselves during civil discourse?
*Toe talons or toe claws.
*Black nails and toenails.
*Wings, but I'm not sure how you'd make that work. If you do, I suggest scale wings or black feathered wings.
*Assertive posture. She should look like she owns the place, confident or overconfident, with perhaps some vanity added too.
*Extra arms, if you want to get nuts.
*Red, purple, or black skin pigmentation. Maybe her skin changes color as she grows?
Something of note is that red fire is not the hottest there is: that belongs to white fire. If you include light into the demon race design, perhaps you could have the light change color to signify a growth of power.
I once watched this video about how red, blue, and purple have come to be associated this different concepts. It's called "The color of corruption - how purple is used in video games" by Razbuten. My focus is fading, I'll return to this later.
Thank you for the in-depth concept! When a demon race eventually comes, I will make sure to take inspiration from the ideas you gave! Some of them, are a bit overboard like the extra arms, but stuff like the demonic features growing along the character, are definitely up for consideration. Also, the video you linked was very informative!
could you make an android or at least browser version
I have thought about making an android version, but it will be like rewriting the code of the whole game, so it probably won't happen any time soon. As for browser version, I don't think it will be possible, because of how heavy the game is.
This game is great! I actually came up with my own race idea: Goblin! This is supposed to fill the role of a speedster class, but to compensate overall stats are low.
Positive Trait: Nimble (Max move speed increased by 20, Goblins are pretty fast!)
Negative Trait: Dim-Witted (Magical Power Gain reduced by 30%. While Goblins aren't dumb, they are dumb when it comes to magic and the arcane.)
Special: Survivalist (Heal HP Passively 50% quicker. To be a Goblin is to be resourceful.)
Special Ability: Thousand Cuts (While in this state, each attack you land on a given enemy boosts the damage of the next. If the first attack does one damage, the second does two, the third does three, and so on.)
Starting Stats:
HP: 8
Physical: 2
Magical: 0
Defense: 1
Resist: 1
Thank you for the kind words! This race concept is amazing! As you may know, there is a new race coming in the upcoming update - the Orc. It pretty much has the exact same negative and special traits, so if a goblin comes out, its will differ. Nonetheless, I really like the idea of a very quick race and have been thinking about making one, after the Orc is out. Don't know what it will be but, I may get some 'inspiration' off of your concept!
Thanks, it's an honor :>
It is supposed to be like this as the game is four directional. I can easily make it aimable, but I don't know how fitting this would be. I think the combat is fine for the time being, but in the future there for sure will be some changes coming to it so this problem shouldn't be apparent by then.
Seems fun so far but i do wonder if there will be more stages added?
There will! Currently there are only 5, but in total, there will be 10. So we are halfway there I would say! Though new stages won't come in the next update too, because we are planning on adding a new race instead.
gobbo hype
are you working only on muscle theme?
Well, yes! But there is some Height and Breast growth too, although not very much.
Not bad though I've noticed some issues. For one if playing as elf or dwarf when talking to the first npc after her growth sequence the model in menu changes to human. It's fine beyond that. Another thing is that using the elf's magic attacks doesn't allow you to gain any exp. Enemies you kill during that buff give zero exp. Forcing you to use the crap sword swing. The dwarf fortify also doesn't work. As during it you cannot move or attack so it's currently a useless move. Also buying a buff potion from the shop locks your movement. Making it so your unable to move at all forcing you to restart the game.
Thank you for reporting these issues!
I will now comment on what you mentioned:
- The first issue will be easy to fix, so I will patch it soon
- I will look into the elf's skill. I personally haven't experienced this bug so I hope I can reproduce it
- The dwarf's skill, should work, as when I test it it lets me move just fine, a little slower though. The damage reduction should work too.
- The potion bug has already been reported and I will try fixing it soon
The newest update is currently only for Patrons. It will become public pretty soon, but if you want to check it out right now here: patreon.com/faustto
how do you talk to people
You can press E when their name pops up above them. You can see the game's controls by pressing ESC then clicking the controls button
The discord link doesn't work?
It probably has expired as the server does not have boosts. Here is an active one: https://discord.gg/JYgMMnZaBs
Is it being abandon?
No it is not. I have been very busy with work the past two months, which has slown the development a lot. An update is coming before christmas for sure.
yep take your time
I like this so far, unfortunately it seems like the boost from growth points doesn't get saved! Tried boosting Peaceful and Frail (playing as an Elf) and they went to level 2, but after reloading they were back to level 1 (with the growth point still spent).
Sorry for the late response! I have replied to your comment on patreon so I won't repeat myself too much, but the bug will be fixed by next update.
when next update?
Can't say an exact date yet. Probably somewhere within this month.
ok ty one thing can u say me what app u use to make the game?
The game is made with the Godot engine. It is a node based programming engine, which uses GDScript or C# for its scripts.
You can have an android version
Making an android version will be pretty much remaking the whole game. I may someday do it, but I can't say when yet
I like the new update, especially how it completely overhauls the UI and the little content update on top. Still, I have found some issues:
- This game has a render problem. The sprites flicker and vibrate a lot to adjust with the moving camera
- Enemies still spawn on water and shore tiles. This is even more frequent due to the more distant spawn rates.
- There is no indicator in the UI for a level up. It's easy to miss that you actually leveled up when you kill a lot of enemies on the screen.
- The level up screen and stats are only accessible through key bindings. This is very unintuitive when you already have a hand on the mouse to attack stuff. Let me click on the profile or give me an extra icon to let me level up my character or to open my stats. Same thing goes for the quest log.
- The special cards for the characters skills appear way too low. In 20 levels, I only got them once in the same except order and group as shown in the image. This isn't really random.
Content wise I would wish for a little starting area or starting ruin to mark the starting area better and to connect the world more. I would also really like it, if you would add some trees into the world generation. Taiga or Forest without trees is just different painted grass.
Thank you for the feedback! Most of these issues are known, so I will explain why they were left to come with the update.
The rendering problem happens only if your monitor has a refresh rate above 60 Hz. This is because of the game's engine and I am not sure how to exactly fix it. You could enable VSync in the settings, it should help to an extend.
The enemy spawning is known to have this problem. I have tried fixing it a couple of times, which made it more rare, but it still happens occasionally.
You have an XP bar under you HP. Also a sound is played whenever you level up as well as a little popup text appearing onto your character. There are some UI changes coming in 0.4, which will improve the ability to see these things, so it should be better then.
There will be clickable icons in the UI to access all menus with the overlay update I am doing, so entering the menus should be a bit easier.
You gain the special cards only when you experience a growth scene. You can then use e growth point to choose a skill to enhance. Also they are the same skills every time unlike the random ones you get upon level up. Keep in mind that they have a max level each, meaning you can upgrade them only 3 times.
I know what you mean by having a better environment, but as I haven't found a pixel artist who is willing to make sprites for the game, making such things is quite hard for me and as I am not a very good at arts, I do not want to ruin the look of the game with my doodles, so this will be held off for a bit until I have someone who has the skill to do it.
"You gain the special cards only when you experience a growth scene." I only got them once at my theoretical level 2 when I reached level 5. I guess there is a bug when there are multiple level ups stacked on top of each other, you don't get the special cards. I got to all 4 growth scenes and never got them again, because I used the cards at levels that were not dedicated to the growth sequence.
It doesn't matter when you use them. They are stored as points, which are displayed under your stats. It is written like "GP x (amount of points)". As long as this text is displayed, you can press K to level up a trait. The points work fine when I try it out in the exported version so I don't know what the issue may be like.
this have 2stages no?
You can grow 2 times in this version. New stages are coming in the update which is coming this friday, so stay tuned for that!
ok ty
any chance for an android apk?
It will be very hard to make, as the game will need to get almost completely revamped for it to work. It may come in later releases, but is not on the horizon on the coming releases.
There is a lot of potential, but i think the world needs some more content.
And i thing it would be nice to have companions who (maybe fight with you,)grow with you or maybe also if you want them to, outgrow you.
For that it would be cool if you could make potions similiar to your other game just with clear catagories and clear recipies.
Also i beg you, it would be amazing if you could ad mobile.
Thank you for commenting! Your ideas are great, although they will be hard to implement.
Companions will probably come to the game at a later version. Currently, the main focus will be on making the first story chapter. When it is done most of the more essential features of the game will be present.
As for potions, they will get an overhaul pretty soon. They will not be as 'advanced' as the previous game's, but will definitely work in a different manner as they are currently quite overpowered.
Finally, mobile will be very hard to do, as it would be like making a whole new game. As I said, the current focus is to finish the first story chapter, after which I may try to make a mobile adaptation, if it is demanded by the community.
Also, as for content, stay tuned for the next update, which may or may not be coming in a few days. :)
thanks for aknowledging my comment
Looking forward to it
I'm loving the game so far, but I'm confused on how many growth stages their are, I'm level 40 but I'm only stage two?
There are 2 growth stages as of now - at levels 5 and 10. There will be more coming in the following updates.
It's a great progress in such a short time, but still, the gameplay has some problems.
- there are no predefined enemies. The world is empty and can be reduced to "walk in a circle, because the enemies only spawn near you". There are hardly any enemies that spawn outside the view of the character.
- the enemies can spawn next to you and immediately hurt you.
- enemies can sometimes spawn on water.
- with more enemies, you have to do more fighting and since levels are cheap, you easily level up mid fight. The problem is: There is no indicator for the level up in the main UI (where is the experience bar while playing?), there is no sound for the level up and there is no confirmation of what perk to choose. It's extremely easy to level-up and badly skill your character without even noticing.
- the sounds and music balance is off the charts. The music is incredibly quiet while sounds are so loud it hurts your ears. Please use a volume normalization tool like MP3Gain or something like that.
Thanks for the feedback!
I would like to explain some reasonings behind of the stuff you pointed out.
Making the enemies predefined will be quite laggy aa I have tried doing something of that sort . I know the current spawning is not very good as it indeed has the issues you pointed out. I will be fixing them for the next update.
I have been thinking of making a xp indicator, but as I thought it wouldn't be needed I didn't implement it. The level up interaction will be reworked in the next update, as it will focus mostly on that.
Currently the sounds have problems, but there hasn't been this inconsistency, which you mentioned - the music being silent while the effects deafening. I will look into it anyway.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this version and I very much appreciate your comment!
I don't know Godot, but you should apply some rules for off-screen enemies, like: "Don't render, don't move, don't have AI". Also you should increase the radius of spawning and add a minimum spawning range. I strongly recommend to look what other hack & slay games (PoE, Titan Quest, even Diablo 2) have in their main UI, how they explain stuff in the main UI and basically copy stuff until you can add your own flavor to it.
Thank you for the suggestions!
Big improvement over the last iteration, I've been enjoying it. I do have a bug to report though.
I bought 4 experience potions which seemed to have leveled me up twice, but because I did not choose my stat before getting the second level up, the game broke. As in it completely froze.
Thank you for the feedback! The potions will get changes in the next update, so they will be fixed by then.
How many muscle stages are there ?
There are 3 stages. Last one is reached upon getting to level 10
good concept but needs work
Enemy spawn rate is way too low, I would walk for 30 secs without finding an enemy.
Make maya mapped to a button because I've had to restart twice because I needed help and couldn't find her.
More things to do (I know you guys are implenting them)
I like the ideas though!
The enemy spawning currently is quite bad, but will be changed next update. Maya should always spawn 2 tiles to the left of the player. There is possibility she is in a hole, but it shouldn't happen too frequently. I will look into it regardless.
no i mean like once you move away from maya far enough you cant find her again, she should just be mapped to a button for no backtracking
Making her mapped to a button will not be a great idea in my opinion. She will move to specific positions due to the story so do not worry about finding her.
is this nsfw?
It may be in the future but isn't right now
phew thanks
make it nsfw
great concept. I’d be happy to donate a theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it.
I would be be happy if you did so. Hit me up on discord. We can talk about them there. My discord is: faustto
Is there going to be an android version?
Probably not, as it is quite difficult to make. It will have to be another game in itself.
dawg, you really gotta do smth with spawn rate
The next update will be focused on spawning, so it will get better then
can anyone verify this or no? I hadn't downloaded this yet, but this makes me very concerned if true...
Multiple test have been ran without getting any virus notification, but apparentely 1 or perhaps a few anti virus programs see it as a Trojan virus. A lot of people have downloaded it without any issue. If you want to be sure you are always welcome to join the discord and ask people to verify it's not a virus.I have ran it through my 2 paid anti virus programs and didn't receive anything.
Ok thank you so much, I've downloaded their older game and I didn't get anything but I saw this same msg on their deviantart page for this, so I was greatly concerned.
There is no virus. It is just that I don't have a code signature, so some antivirus programs give warnings. I am sorry for the inconvenience.